Become the happiest person you know.

You are worthy of living a life that feels whole, in a body at home in itself, with a mind at ease, and a heart that is safe to feel.

I am so glad you’re here.

MY LIFE'S OBSESSION is helping you return to your authentic identity so you can have the freedom to end self-abandonment & emotional addictions, heal YOUR nervous system, and stop keeping the secret of you so you can LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE!

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Beginner’s Meditation

Addicted to abuse, suicidal, depressed, lost in chronic anxiety & trauma.

For 30 years. Endless therapy, antidepressants, healing retreats, self-help books, online coaching, and long road trips trying to outrun the suffering. I changed relationships, jobs, houses, friends, hairstyles, and even countries. No matter what I did, I inevitably always found myself curled up on a bathroom floor praying for a different life, hating that I was back to this dark place, hiding from an abusive man, spinning with questions of what was wrong with me.

Nothing worked.

Something had to change.

My only problem was that I’d tried “everything.” I was lost, but now I knew it. One night, in total desperation, I decided to do something entirely different and everything shifted.

What came from that night has been my life’s mission to help people free themselves to create lives they will love. By removing everything that has held them hostage to fear, haunted by their past trauma, trapped in miserable relationships, living in a loop of pain, they can feel what it’s like to step out of their way and LIVE for the first time.

After looking in all the wrong places, you have the answer that will unlock the cycle into the great wide open of unshakeable confidence, authenticity, and freedom. You just need a few tools to shift your entire being.

There is a way home to a place that cannot be taken from you. There is a peace that cannot be shaken by loss, pain, or change. There is an aliveness that is beyond anything you’ve ever felt. There is a freedom so far beyond anything that the world could give you.

And you contain all of it within you.

 There is a place within you where your happiness, health, joy, peace & abundance is alive & well…

it all begins with a genuine desire to seek where it lives within you.

Get beneath the surface.

You’re living a STORY, which one are you telling?

One that paints a dream or pains your life?

Which one do you WANT to tell?

Get out of your own way.

Find out what’s holding you back.